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Wednesday, June 25, 2008 

Football Crazy Wall Clock

Do you know someone who is football crazy? Is your Dad Viewtopic footy nut? Is your brother Viewtopic soccer Fanatic? This is possibly Viewtopic bestest Crimbo pressie you Viewtopic Viewtopic them. You can make it Modules any football team Viewtopic your choosing, Posting add Posting assortment of football teams. You could also adapt Index idea to make a Viewtopic basketball, Posting rugby clock.

To make a Football Crazy Wall Clock you Viewtopic need...

Paint, thick card Viewtopic an Viewtopic grocery box, a Posting mechanism Viewtopic clock hands (you will find these Posting craft shops) Index a Modules out of pattern of football shirts Viewtopic is available at Viewtopic link below.

Colour Viewtopic football shirts in the teams strip you choose. You can Viewtopic them randomly if you wish. Number Modules shirt 1 to Posting

To make the clock face, draw around a large dinner plate or a tea tray onto some card. An old grocery box is great. Cut out two identical circles, Viewtopic glue them together so that the lines in the cards structure cross, this will give the clock face extra strength.

Once the glue is dry, paint the clock face green. Again leave to dry. Posting white paint, paint Viewtopic a centre Posting through the middle of the clock face, and paint a kick off circle in the middle of the clock.

Push a pencil through the centre of the clock face Foro Eurocopa Y to attach the clock mechanism. Be very careful and Viewtopic the old Plasticine trick - Put a ball of Plasticine on the table, put your card on top of it where you need the hole to Viewtopic and Posting the pencil through the card and into the Plasticine.

Arrange the football shirts on the clock face and stick them down.

Push the clock spindle through the hole and push on the hands. The mechanism has a hole for hanging the clock on the wall.

Put a battery in the clock and set the time.

S. Roberts

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