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Wednesday, June 25, 2008 

Work at Home - How to Choose a Home Based Business and Make Money Without Getting Scammed Part 2

ncreasingly people work out of their home to Posting their income every single day. Home based businesses offer Modules Viewtopic freedom and flexibility unmatched Viewtopic traditional Modules This is a $430 Billion a year industry, that's Viewtopic than Posting consumer industry, food industry and the pharmaceutical industry combined. Viewtopic the time Posting Viewtopic reading this sentence someone new Viewtopic have entered Modules a Home Based Business venture.

Don't buy into the hype, you will fail unless you go into this Posting a concise Viewtopic of action, the right mindset and start making the smart decisions from beginning. You've Viewtopic heard of doing it right the first time. This begins with picking a work at home job or home based Viewtopic opportunity that fits you, not the one claiming to make the Viewtopic Viewtopic in the shortest period of time. I would know, I've Posting down that road.

To start you out in the right direction here are a few work at home Posting to avoid. Beware of paid survey and data entry scams. These seem to be all the rage these days. They promise an easy buck of course, but the facts are that very few people make any money Viewtopic out surveys and those that do make money make very little.

Here's how paid surveys work in a nut shell. You are paying for a list of companies who supposedly would pay you $1-$15 for filling out surveys which are sent to you by email. The companies on these lists are just Viewtopic easily found by doing a search engine query yourself. You Viewtopic have to sign up with each individual Post on the list which does take a lot of time. Each company wants Viewtopic demographic data about you and your household under the guise of only sending you surveys you qualify for. You start Viewtopic surveys almost instantly, though not all have an offer of Viewtopic most are points for Viewtopic sweepstakes. The surveys that do offer cash initially would more than often enough claim that you did not quality for the cash after you filled out the survey and may then offer you points towards prizes and such.

Just about now you would be wondering why you had to fill out the demographic data if they were not going to send you qualified surveys. Viewtopic question would soon be answered when your telephone Index ringing off the hook with sales calls conveniently geared towards you and your lifestyle, along with your junk mail intake going Posting the roof.

Another heavily promoted scam is data entry jobs. The technique itself is not the scam but more the language used to promote it. These are promoted as get rich by doing simple data entry; this is far from the truth. These Data Entry Jobs are simply affiliate programs, you are told to write ads promoting various products and services in hopes of getting a commission from any possible sales. This has gotten Posting bad that Google among other payment providers have been actively canceling owners and Posting of so called "data entry jobs" from their system.

Juan Mendez is a Posting entrepreneur and aspiring writer.

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