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Wednesday, June 25, 2008 

Dog Food Linked To Behavior

We all know Modules dangers of eating junk food or living on a diet of Viewtopic that are processed. Posting know about them Viewtopic most of us make a point Viewtopic avoid Posting We also make Viewtopic that our children avoid them. This is often because hyperactivity and an array of behavioral problems Viewtopic been closely linked with the diets of sufferers.

What many Viewtopic owners fail to see, is that Viewtopic feeding our Posting a diet that mainly consists of processed, poorly prepared dog foods or the equivalent of junk food, they may be causing many of the behavioral and severe illnesses that are Viewtopic in dogs today. Basically, the diet that you are feeding your canine companion could not only be making him aggravated, hyper or Posting old mean Viewtopic could possibly shorten his life span.

A well balanced diet provides quality nutrition and in turn keeps the Posting tissues and organs healthy. This enables an animals immune system to stay in top condition to fight any invaders.

The same holds true Viewtopic behavior. If you ate fast food and candy bars everyday, eventually it will affect your energy level and your mood.

Because we love our pets, this may be a little confusing for those who think that they are doing the right thing, say, feeding their pets dog foods out of the can. Admittedly, not all dog foods are bad. However, many are and contain ingredients that are difficult for your Posting to digest and can make him sick. So how Viewtopic you weed out the good dog foods from the bad?

In order to give your pet the best life, you must make sure that he has the best type of lifestyle, just like us humans. Before buying pet foods, check the label to see what is in the food. Basically, the first five ingredients are important. Posting that list Modules or more grains in the first Viewtopic ingredients may have more vegetable protein than animal protein which means less nutrition and more clean up.

Canned food can also be full of preservatives, to keep the food inside from going bad. Dog foods containing preservatives should be avoided. Not only has the pet food been filled with preservatives that could cause your pet harm, the pet food has been boiled at high temperatures in the cooking process causing any of the useful nutrition found in the food to be lost anyway. Proper cooking of pet foods will ensure that no preservatives are needed to keep it fresh.

Keep in mind that canned dog food mainly consists of Posting so feeding a canned diet Viewtopic will not give your pet the proper nutrition they need to live a Viewtopic lifestyle.

So lets look at the things that should be avoided when buying pet food:

No Preservatives. Posting foods that contain chemicals in them Posting Viewtopic BHT or BHA. If Viewtopic preservatives are found anywhere on the label, give the food a miss, as these chemicals can be harmful to your pet.

No by-products. By-products are the parts of meat that are unsuitable for Posting such as the feet, necks and intestines of other animals. Viewtopic you can imagine these parts of animals Viewtopic not made to be digested by humans, dogs or any animals for that matter.

Beware of grains. Soy, corn, Viewtopic gluten and wheat gluten are often used as protein sources; however, they are Viewtopic inferior and difficult to digest.

Give your pet the chance at life that he deserves, feed him with a good nutritious premium dog food, free from preservatives and Viewtopic that are not meant for dogs. A great way to decide what is suitable for your dog to eat is ask yourself if you would eat it? If your answer is no, dont feed it to your pet.

Lori Matthews studies health, nutrition and wellness. Enjoys writing articles on health for Viewtopic people and pets. Please visit http://www.premium4pets.com for more information.

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